Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Getting Settled

We have been home for a few days now and are getting settled in and learning how to be a family of four. Our house seems to be non-stop chaos from wake up to bed time. Tenaye just goes and goes without stopping! She is a good big sister to Isaac. Has only had a few minor bouts with jealousy (if I am holding him or singing to him she will usually try and distract me or get on my lap, but after a little attention thrown her way she is off and playing again). The language thing has been the biggest issue. We don't always know what she is asking for and that leads to frustration on her part and ours. Our Amaharic is improving though and I know she will pick up English quickly. We joke that she and Isaac will learn to talk at the same time! I can only imagine how overwhelming all of this must be for her. Her entire world has been turned upside down. Meeting new people is very scary for her. She tends to cling to me (mommy) and not look at, speak to, or interact with anyone. She just becomes a limp rag doll. We are hoping this changes once she understands the language and trusts us enough to know that not all new people are there to take her away from the world in which she is most comfortable. I tell you this as a warning to help you understand why we may not be very social over the next few weeks or months. Our focus must be on Tenaye and our family. When meeting her please don't take it personally if she doesn't interact with you, she will over time...hopefully.
Here are some pictures of our first few days together. She is a happy, energetic kid when it is just us at home believe it or not!


Carla said...

Congratulations on your homecoming!

Anonymous said...

Love the one of her asleep on her mommy! Blessings to you all!

Anonymous said...

SO happy to see the whole family together under one roof. Glad that your travels were safe and that she is finally home.

- Katy

Kristine said...

So cute! Congrats again.
I know it is annoying, but it really is a wonderful sign (for attachment) if she clings to you and ignores others.